Change Management

Change Consulting

Optimize your company's transformation processes. Reduce time, effort and costs with lean and agile change management

Organizational Change Consulting

Develop your company's ability to continually innovate and learn.

Implement a faster, more agile, and effective change management approach when dealing with the innovation, new processes, and technologies that make your business more competitive.

The new Change Management uses the concept of Lean Change Management, an iterative, empirical and incremental method for managing organizational change.

This method differs from the traditional change management model in that it is performed collaboratively rather than linearly.

Collaborative because both the team and the people affected by the change are involved and responsible for co-creating it.

Non-linear, as change is conducted as a process that adjusts and evolves, based on the reaction of those involved. You can get these reactions gradually by running small MVC (Minimum Viable Change) increments. This new perspective encourages continuous learning and the progressive adoption of change by those involved, reducing the impact and time taken to assimilate changes.

Change Management Consulting

Find out how we can help your company verify the feasibility of the change initiative, validate strategies, minimize risks and increase the performance of your employees.

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During Lean Change Management, the team regularly designs, inspects and adapts the change strategy. In other words, it replaces the execution of a predetermined plan with a dynamic plan that works.

The determination of the strategy and the elaboration of this plan are carried out in a collaborative and simplified way through the Lean Change Canvas tool. The tool facilitates the construction of a strategic vision and consensus on possible changes.

Likewise, we guide the team to think as many ideas as possible about change needs, potential application areas, and change recipients by applying the brainstorming technique. We continue with the application of risk and value criteria to identify a small experiment, called Minimum Viable Change (MVC), which will allow us to learn to understand the feasibility of change.



The Minimum Viable Change (MVC) is the smallest possible change that will allow the necessary learning of those involved to understand the feasibility of the entire change program.

MVC is the smallest, fastest and most effective experiment to implement a new business idea that your company can complete, and deliver to some users or customers.

The objective is not to restrict your production or service, and not to fixate on infinite “improvements” before going to market.

The company operates in a continuous improvement mode as it grows.

When developing a Minimum Viable Change - MVC, you should regularly inspect and adapt the change strategy.



We establish measurement processes and set incremental goals. A very common and correct saying is: “What is measured, is managed”.

In this phase of change, it is essential to track performance against the results defined at the beginning of the initiative. Keeping in mind that some results can be subjective, we create opinion polls to obtain objective data to measure the subjective results.

In this process we consider that the team, managers and customers will take time to get used to the changes. Therefore, building performance capabilities into these changes can also take time.

Thus, we set objectives for performance improvement but we implement them with a view to gradual improvement. Jumping to the main performance goal puts undue pressure on the team, jeopardizing overall change objectives in the short and long-terms.

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